Tuesday, October 6, 2009

29 weeks: Life is GOOD!

Cashew and I took another plane trip to my "hood" this past weekend.  Although I hated leaving T behind, I was definitely needing my Louisville/family fix!  I mentioned it before but, Louisville is like a huge hug just waiting for me.  And I graciously entered its open arms last Thursday.

The flight went really well but got me thinking.  Does the fetus feel the pressure in its ears during take off and landing?  My ears pop and my water bottles usually get so pressurized in the air that they are dented in after landing and sound like a carbonated drink when I open them.  It makes me wonder if 'Shew could feel it as well.  There was a lot of kicking and punching going on during those times. 

However, that may be a coincidence.  That and the fact that he/she was very active during the ENTIRE trip home.  All day and all night.  Constant movement.  T said it was because he missed his Daddy.  I was thinking that maybe he was loving the fresh, crisp air of Louisville in the fall!  Either way, I knew there was something brewing in there.  No question about it.

My belly book that my Mom gave me has an entry in it for the first nice/good deed that was done to me by a stranger who noticed I was pregnant.  Well, until I landed in Louisville, nothing particularly nice had been done by a stranger.  I live in Tucson where the entire city lives in paranoia and, if you dare even smile at a stranger, they will shank you because they will think you are up to something.

But leave it to the Southern charm that can always be found in the Derby City.  I can finally fill out the entry in my book.  When I was standing at baggage claim, a man standing next to me said for me to let him know when my bag came around so that he could help me with it.  Living in Tucson for three years has tainted my ability to see chivalry and instead see thief so I said, that's ok.  I can get it.  He said, no, please allow me to help you get your bag off of the carrousel.  So I relented.  And, sure enough.  Even after his bag had already made it into his hands, he waited for  mine to make its way around and took it off the belt for me.  It was really nice and helped me settle in to the southern ways I sometimes forget about being away for so long.  It kick started me back into smiling at people as I passed them and saying hello to strangers.  That's how we roll in the south.

My Mom picked me up from the airport and we headed to her house.  The rest of the night was all about getting settled and chilling out.  It was really nice.  The weather was amazing.  The windows were all open and the weather guy was calling for rain that night.  Life is good!

Sure enough, late into the night (or early in the darkness of the morning), a steady shower began.  The raindrops rummaging through the loose leaves of the fall trees intensified the smell of fall.  I could hear it hitting the ground and the window ever so gently.  I fell sound asleep once again.  Life is good!

The next morning I popped out of bed with a start.  I was to meet my Dad and SMom for breakfast.  I set my alarm for 7 AM in order to meet them by 9.  The only problem with that scenario was that I forgot to set the time to Eastern.  It was still on AZ time.  Oops.  I was running late.  But not too bad.  I jumped in the shower, got ready and headed out.  We were to meet at Wild Eggs but it turned out to be too crowded so we opted for Frisch's instead.  I was truly the youngest person in the entire restaurant and, other than the three of us, maybe the only one with real teeth!  But it didn't matter.  It was so great to see my folks!!  Life is good!

Mom and I were going to go to the St James Art Festival which has grown HUGE in the past years.  I haven't been in forever and, most locals tend to steer clear because of its massive size and massive crowds.  We thought we'd go by at some point after running our errands if we had time.  Our first stop was Bruce's house for a quick visit.  It was good to see him, Zoe and Chorney.  And of course Daisy.  We visited for a bit and then headed out.  We decided to skip St James since time was moving pretty fast and we still needed to make a couple more stops.

We stopped by Paul's Fruit Market to pick up stuff for the shower the next day.  I was rummaging through the free samples since I didn't have any lunch.  Apples dipped in that caramel dip!  Oh yummy!  We ended up buying some!  After that we headed to pick up the cake.  This cake was the LARGEST cake I have ever seen and, since it sat on my lap, I can say probably the heaviest as well! 

While we were out that way, we made an impromptu visit to my aunt and uncle's new house.  It is super cute with a ton of great bells and whistles.  My favorite parts?  The basement with my Grandpa's 1920 something pool table that my uncle had refelted and the built in bar (including a back bar).  What a great party room!!  A few steps from the bar takes you out to the patio and POOL area!  I told him, post-baby, I am going to be crashing a party (or two) at their place!!! 

We headed home after and had burritos for dinner.  YUM!!  Then Mom and I made a couple of things for the shower the next day and ended up just relaxing for the rest of the night.  Ahh, life is good.

The next day I did some running for Mom while she did last minute things to the house before the shower.  The next thing I knew, guests were arriving.  I was thrilled to see so many from my family and felt so honored that so many from out of town made the drive just for me.  I am so lucky to have the family that I do.  Thank you Brenda, Casey & Angie, Brian & Kelly, Tami & the kids for making the trip.  It was SO good to see all of you!  And, of course, it was good to see EVERYONE that made it.  You really make me feel so fortunate!  Life is good.

Me and my Mom

The 12" FAT heavy cake!

Cashew and I enjoying our Louisville time

The spread

My Aunt Linda and cousin Gina

My SISTA and her beau Dan

My AWESOME nieces

My sista from a different mutha (my SIL)

Brian, Kelly and one of their two ADORABLE sons, Aidan (hope I didn't butcher the spelling)

Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry

Gina's daughter Ashley and my GIRL (and cousin) Kristin

Casey & Angie and, not shown here, their very adorable son Lance

My Grandma looking gorgeous as usual

My sweet Grandpa

A good friend of my Mom's who is like family to us, Laverne

Uncle Rick and Aunt Cathy (the proud, new owners of the awesome party house)

Kaye & Michael - great friends of the family who recently became Grandparents!

My SDad John in usual form!

My cousin Lisa with Uncle Rick

Cashew's loot

Me and my Grandparents

Me and Kristin

Me and Pris

The frames I made as THANK YOU gifts for my Mom and Dad

Everyone was so sweet in the gifts they gave.  A lot of folks opt'd for gift cards which is always a great thing!  Cashew received his first Dr Seuss book and a few clothing items.  Mom (Grandma) gave us a really cute girl outfit and a really cute boy outfit.  She's going to take back whichever it isn't.  There were many nice gifts and we sure appreciate them all!  But mostly I appreciated and loved seeing everyone.  It was a very fun day.  Life is good.

The next day was my shower at Dad's house.  Again, a great turn out!  My cousin from Northern KY drove in for the occasion which was so awesome!  I hadn't seen her in so long.  I couldn't believe she made the drive for my shower.  I really think it is because no one, and I mean no one (including myself) ever thought they would see me pregnant!!  Who knew??

My SMom made four different pots of soup that were very yummy and the party was more like an open house.  People flowed in and out throughout the day and I opened gifts as they arrived.  My SMom put together a survey for people to fill out.  They had to circle the boy's name and the girl's name from a huge selection (one of the names in each category is the correct one - but no one knows what it is).   Then they had to guess on the birthday, birth time and birth weight.  It was very interesting to see the guesses - the dates ranged from Dec 14 - Jan 3 and the weight went anywhere from 6 something pounds to 8 something.  I would be happy with something in the middle! 

She also had boy plates and girl plates.  People were to eat off the plate they thought the baby would be.  In the end, it was a tie.  So we are still in the dark as to what this baby will be.  More people said they thought I was carrying a boy than those thinking it was a girl.  Guess we will see in a few months!

The diaper cake my SMom made for me

Me and my SMom with diaper cake

The beautiful blanket my SMom stitched for me

My Dad and I comparing our pregnancies

My sweet Mama and Papa always dressed sharp!

Aunt Myra who made me a beautiful...


My cousins Terri, Amber and Mandy

My cousin Sabrina

My cousin Mark

Some of my loot

The girls!

Bob and Mary - friends of the family for MANY years!

My cousin Luke

At the end of the day we headed to DQ which is a usual routine for my Dad and SMom.  We headed back, threw on our jammies and watched Desperate Housewives, Brothers/Sisters intermixed with the Steelers game (which was really good and they won).  Life is good.

The next morning I woke up not believing that my time in Louisville was already over!  Where did the time go??  But I was excited to get home, see my sweetie and my babies.  But it is always hard to leave.  It breaks my heart being so far from home.  But I feel so lucky to have a great family to come home to - in both cities!  I am so very fortunate in so many ways!  Life is good!

T picked me up from the airport last night and we stopped to get a pizza for dinner.  When we got home, I showed off some of our gifts that I was able to pack in a duffel bag.  There will be more stuff coming in a box that my SMom will be shipping for me.  We put some stuff away in the Shew room and hung out on the couch for a while.  OH and he showed me a BIG surprise that he had been working on while I was away.  I will write about that in my Housewife blog when I can WITH PICS! 

Today marks week 29 of my pregnancy adventure.  T and I hung out today hand in hand lovin' life!  It was nice being home and being with T.  We actually did some Christmas shopping and got a couple of things done!  I am so impressed with us!  We might be able to get all of our stuff done before the end of November at this pace!!  I really need to get on the ball with the gifts that I am making so I am dedicating all next week to gift making!!

Thursday is my next doctor appointment.  The good news is that I PASSED my glucose test by a long shot!!  The range is from 63 - 183 and I came in at 81!!  YAY!!  And they also tested for anemia and I have no problems there either.  I think that will take care of the poking until the hospital visit.  Whew! 

The bad news is that I am now acquiring some of the unfortunate side effects of pregnancy that I won't go into detail about.  It has to do with private potty problems.  Let's just say I need to find some sort of remedy so that I won't grimace every time the urge presents itself.  I need to talk to Hutch about some remedies that I can take/do to rectify the situation (haha, rectify!!). 

Here is some more TMI.  I am starting to have a little leakage.  Let's just say that the utters are working.  MOOO!  I am not as concerned about this situation as I am the other but I figure I will let Hutch know anyway.

We start childbirth classes on Oct 15 for 5 weeks.  I am glad we signed up for them but I am a little apprehensive about panting in front of a bunch of strangers!  But I am hoping maybe I will make some fellow parent friends that may continue past our panting days.  Of course, this is Tucson.  I might get shanked if I try to start a conversation.  Bunch of paranoid panters!!

Other than that, life is good.  The Shew is in full effect - tumbling, kicking and punching like a true football athlete (or cheerleader).  It is almost non-stop so I don't feel I really need to focus on kick counts (which they recommend starting around this time).  I am positive it moves more than 10 times in an hour.  I can guarantee it!

The weather is great here - somewhere in the 80's - so I am totally comfortable and finally able to wear clothes that I feel are more flattering than the summer clothes.  Life is good.

Me at 29 weeks (with a head per Mom's request):

A little info about the 'Shew bug:
From babycenter.com
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

What it might look like in there right now:

11 more weeks or more...or less...

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