Monday, August 3, 2009

20 weeks tomorrow!

I skipped last week (my 19 week update) because my new niece arrived to the world! She was born on Wednesday, July 29 and was 8 lbs, 6 oz. She is absolutely beautiful and the family is doing great. I will post pics after I receive permission from the parents.

During the time we were waiting for Lauren to go into labor, we were getting the baby room up and running. We started with the painting. We were going to do a lighter green on three of the walls and a darker green on an accent wall - the same wall the crib would be located. After it was painted, T and I both had our reservations about the lighter color. It just didn't look like we had expected it to. Don't you hate that about paint? It seems to look one way on the sample card but looks completely different when combined with the neutral paint of the wall and the natural light from the window.

We ended up "sleeping on it" that night to see what we thought about it the next day. No such luck the next day. It, to me, looked like the color of mint gum. I just didn't like it. Luckily we both decided to paint the entire room the darker color (which we love) while the walls were still taped and before we built furniture.

T knocked out the re-paint job. I would have helped but he would not have it. The paint fumes were strong and he was worried that it would give cashew brain damage or something. Fine by me. I'm not a very good painter anyway (which may have been the actual reason I was banned) so I just did some cleaning around the house and waited for the painting to be done so we could start building furniture.

On Tuesday we started (and finished) the furniture. We are VERY happy with our choices! It looks so classy and so our style. It wasn't too difficult to put together and we were done right about the time Lauren said she was heading to the hospital (which was Tuesday around dinner time). We packed everything up and started to head that way when she texted and told us not to worry about coming that night since not a lot was happening. Once we got back in the house, we were too beat to do much else than veg on the couch.

Here is the room (before and after pics) along with some explanations:

Before painting - a positive T!




A helpful Kizzy

Post paint and furniture - where we are at this time



I want to put some wall art over the crib...something maybe like this or similar idea...

Changing table/dresser and rocker - want to hang a framed maternity pic between the shelves on the wall over the table.

This corner will have a bookshelf - the shelf is ordered and should be here in a couple of weeks.

Here is the shelf

Closer image of crib with bedding. I don't have the fitted sheet on the bed as of yet.

Someone really loves his new bed!!!

The following is my 19 week pic since I skipped last week. I will probably surprise you with another entry tomorrow since that will be a huge milestone day!! I will be at 20 weeks (half way there) and will have my "big" ultrasound appointment. That is usually when people find out what they are having (such as boy or girl - most of us know it is a baby...or an alien) but we are sticking to our guns and NOT finding out!!

19 week pic:

And just so you know what I live with!!!

Latest developments is my larger gut and a few dozen kicks, squirms and movements during the evening hours. Cashew was really going at it when we were in the hospital waiting for Lauren to give birth. Feels so odd but reassuring at the same time. I am hoping to feel more tonight since it was a little quiet last night. At this point in the pregnancy, you may not feel movement every day. I have been lucky to feel it most days but still nothing on the outside yet.

My appetite is about the same as it's always been and I don't seem to have picked up wait anywhere other than my stomach. I am able to drink water now without gagging so that has been nice!

Well, I have been cleaning all day and need to start dinner soon so I may sign off for now. But I will definitely be back tomorrow with another belly shot and some new sonogram pics!!! But don't be expecting to find out the sex. Ya gotta wait until we find out on cashew's birthday!!

Dear Cashew,

I am pretty tired today so probably won't write a lot. But I do hope you will like your room. It is so soothing in there. Daddy fell asleep in the glider already and, I must say, that is probably my favorite seat in the house! It is soooo comfortable. We already have a few clothes in your dresser and the closet is cleaned out to add more!

Daddy and I are both excited to see you tomorrow! I bet you will look more like a baby than a gorilla like last time! Keep those legs closed, cashew! We want to wait to find out what you are until you are born. We do have names picked out for you for if you are a boy or a girl. We are still trying to decide if we are going to tell anyone what are choices are or wait until the big day for that too!

Well, I will write more tomorrow! Hope you are doing well inside there! Give me as many kicks and rolls as you'd like to let me know you are good.

We love you bunches and will give you a BIG wave tomorrow!!

Mommy and Daddy

PS...We are hoping your big sister will be able to join us tomorrow too!

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